
在这一页, you'll find a selection of quotes from alumni of Chatham University's Post-Professional Occupational Therapy program. 了解更多关于什么使我们的计划独特和有价值.


在开始这个节目之前, I observed occupational injustices but did not realize I could do something about them. 这是查塔姆卓越的校外治疗计划的结果, I know that I can be a change agent as an occupational therapist at my workplace, 在社区里, 和全球.


“一套更好的技能. 一个更全面的从业者."

当我回顾2016年1月开始的OTD之旅时, 感觉像是很久以前的事了, 但就在昨天的同一时间. The pure elation of graduation did not fully hit me until I picked up my regalia at the bookstore last week and the woman was shouting "Congrats Dr. B!"

I can confidently say 我有 a better set of skills in order to make me a more well-rounded practitioner. 通过更多地关注循证实践,我提高了自己的知识水平, 教育技术和领导技能. The coursework reminded me of the importance of setting goals for myself in order to accomplish the things 我是 passionate about both professionally and personally.

My capstone project on the topic of health literacy has affected the way I approach and treat each individualized patient. Having more knowledge in this area has changed my approach when communicating with patients on a daily basis. 我是 更多的人意识到健康素养 and its overall effects on therapeutic interventions and the health care system in its entirety.

展望未来, I would like to assume the role of an adjunct occupational therapy professor. 这就是我踏上博士之旅的主要原因. I would still like to keep up my clinical skills while taking on new roles in education. Education is empowering; it creates a new inspiration for the continued commitment of being a life-long learner.

——alexa Bevacqua, OTD '17


In 1996, I earned my bachelor’s degree in Occupational Therapy and quickly discovered my desire to both learn and teach. I obtained my master’s degree in order to be able to teach in an OT program and greatly enjoyed the experience. 

Ten years later when I became a program director of an occupational therapy assistant program I realized I also wanted a doctorate degree. I determined my interests were in applied research and knew I was looking for a doctorate in occupational therapy program that was broad enough in scope to allow me to advance my skills overall.

当我进入波胆网站时, 我收到一个欢迎文件夹,上面用大号字体写着, “准备好大展宏图。?" I had practiced for nearly 20 years in many settings and I can say that during my time at Chatham University both my professors and my fellow students challenged me to think big.

I had no idea just how big I would begin to think about my own possibilities as a result of the academic experience and encouragement I received. I can assure you that I apply the lessons learned here in my practice with my clients, 我的病人安全业务, 以及我在大学兼职教学的学生. 我已经做好了充分的准备!



I had wanted to earn a doctorate degree for over 20 years but there were no doctoral programs within driving distance that interested me and family responsibilities kept me in a relatively isolated area.

当在线职业治疗项目开始开放时,我又看了一遍, 但由于费用问题,我一直没有申请. As I began spending more time in Ecuador the onsite components of many online programs also made me hesitate because I worried that I couldn't fit the onsite into my schedule.

A postcard in the mail about Chatham's Corporate Partners program nudged me to look at Chatham again. I quickly realized that Chatham had everything that I had been looking for, 灵活地满足我作为国际从业者的需求, classes in Evidence-Based Practice and Occupational Science and a Capstone project that I could design around the needs of my nontraditional workplace.



My OTD experience at Chatham University was awesome and took me to places I never imagined I would or could be.

我有 学到了很多关于OT专业的知识, 比如职业治疗实践框架, 百年愿景, 以及不断发展的职业科学. 这段旅程 equipped me with the tools and resources to explore other avenues as an occupational therapist: 我是 capable searching and analyzing the literature for evidence-based practice principles; 我是 能够自如地使用不同类型的技术 to deliver educational resources that will enhance learning and health literacy; 我是 cognizant of the need as an occupational therapist to increase my awareness of people who may be occupationally deprived or marginalized, and to find ways of promoting their occupational performance and well-being; 我是 更多地意识到当地和国家资源的丰富 如, grants and loans that can be used to expand the reach of occupational therapy services to promote health and wellbeing, and reduce health disparities in the communities; 我是 被迫跳出我的传统思维方式去思考从个人到团体的服务交付.

I recognize as an occupational therapist my holistic approach to care is a tremendous asset for healthcare as well as non-healthcare organizations, 预防性服务可以对人们的生活产生积极影响.


Circle photo of a smiling woman in a graduation cap, on top of a purple slide reading 校友 Profile


Jillian Hamilton’s journey through our Occupational Therapy Program started with the encouragement of a friend, 一路走来, the camaraderie she felt with her classmates and the mentorship of faculty members saw her through to the finish line. 现在, Hamilton is using learnings from her OT capstone project to improve the lives of children with developmental delays.

一个微笑的黑人的圆圈照片,背景是树木和绿色植物. 这张照片在紫色的幻灯片上,上面写着“校友简介”.

Anderston圣. 17岁的杰曼

“我认为它非常好,”他说. 詹妮弗Lape. 她始终如一,非常有见地. I even emailed her once to ask how she was able to give such good insight on all of our projects when they were so different! 我总觉得她的反馈是‘哇, 这正是我需要听到的,来指导我所做的事情. The other professors and classes were really good too – very flexible, very helpful, very positive.”